Limited Editions
Every release has a Limited Edition tier, an exclusive and scarce edition where you fully control the price and supply/duration.
Open Edition
An unlimited supply of editions can be collected within a specified duration. You’ll select a start time and a duration, and your collectors can collect as many editions as they want until the open edition ends. If less than 25 limited editions are collected during the minting period, then the drop will default to a collection size of 25.
Fixed Edition
A fixed supply of editions will always be available for sale. You can select a supply between 5 and 10,000, and that supply will remain available until all editions are collected. All editions must be sold in order for the Golden Egg winner to be revealed.
Free Editions
You can also optionally decide to include a Free Edition tier, a patronage tier that is unlimited and open forever, so your fans can collect and support you whenever they discover your music, long after the initial drop.
Free Editions are the most accessible way for fans to support you, signal their taste, and be part of your journey. This tier is like a POAP — proof that someone discovered you early and a digital memory of finding a new song they love.
Read more about how Tiers work here.