You’ll need extra ETH in your wallet to pay for gas when purchasing, listing, or selling an NFT.
Gas refers to the fee required to successfully conduct a transaction on Ethereum. This fee is paid to Ethereum miners who provide the computer power that's necessary to verify transactions and keep the network running; Sound does not receive any payment from gas fees.
Gas is measured in gwei, the base unit for gas on the Ethereum network. 1 gwei is equivalent to 0.000000001 ETH.
Gas prices are based on (i) how busy the network is; (ii) how quickly you want the transaction to be completed; and (iii) the complexity of the transaction. Recently, gas has been expensive due to higher demand on the network. You can reduce gas by adjusting the urgency of your transaction via a lower max fee, but note that by changing the max fee, but note that if you set the fee too low, your transaction may fail or get stuck and incur a small fee.