If you are using Windows OS and trying to collect a drop on the Optimism network, you may keep getting the error "Something went wrong. Contact us for assistance."
If you are getting this error then you may need to update your RPC URL for the Optimism network in your MetaMask wallet. Follow the directions below to update your RPC URL
1. Navigate to the wallet extension in your browser, in the top right click the ellipsis (...) -> Expand view.
2. This will open up MetaMask in your browser. Click the ellipsis on the right (...) -> Settings.
3. Go to Networks on the left -> Select Optimism under Networks in the middle -> Then change the New RPC URL to:
4. Make sure to save once you have entered in the New RPC URL. You will have to sign out and sign back in to your Sound account but you will stop getting the error when trying to make a purchase.